SB 26 violates free markets and limited government by expanding current grant and incentive programs for alternative fuel refueling stations, creating new grant and incentive programs for the lease or purchase of new alternative fuel vehicles by private citizens, and requiring state agencies to purchase alternative fuels vehicles when they turn over their fleets.

The provision creating an incentive for individuals to purchase or lease an alternative fuels vehicle (such as compressed natural gas, electric, or hybrid) would grant a subsidy of up to $5,000 for each new vehicle purchased or leased. These new vehicles are incredibly expensive, even after the subsidy, making them unaffordable for most people. This is essentially a tax break for the wealthy.

The state government should not be picking winners and losers in the economy, distorting markets, and giving taxpayer-funded subsidies for wealthy people to buy vehicles preferred by the government. We maintain our steadfast opposition to SB 26.

Posted March 14, 2017 by Nathanael Ferguson